

Reflecting on the Year

Reflecting on the Year: Your Check-in for Success

August 01, 20245 min read

Reflecting on the Year: Your Check-in for Success

The year is flying by and the first half has come and gone. As I write this I realise it is so important for us to pause during the hustle of daily life and reflect.  Time passes so fast and before you know it the year is nearly gone.  So, how have your ambitions fared in the new year? Can you feel the momentum of progress pushing you forward, or are you mired in the same old quicksand of last year's challenges? Whether your first seven months have been a roaring success or a quiet period of contemplation, now is the time to take stock and assess how the rest of the year will unfold.

You are on a trajectory, and the decisions you make now can profoundly impact the culmination of your year. In this blog post, we're going to explore how you can judiciously reflect on the past quarter and use those insights to shape a more successful, fulfilling year for yourself.

First, a Pulse Check

It's crucial to conduct an honest assessment of your professional and personal growth over the last seven months. What were your goals? Have you achieved some or all of them? Did your strategies for reaching those goals prove effective, or did they fall flat? Remember, whatever you have done over the first part of the year is just the beginning. It's a time of planting seeds, some of which may not yet have had the chance to sprout.

Here's how you can take a pulse check:

  • Quarter Goals Review: Break down your annual targets into quarterly milestones. Identify what worked well in achieving these and what fell short.  Continue this through the whole year and as we move forward through the third quarter you can expect to see some results.

  • Self-Assessment: Look at your skills and competencies. What have you improved upon, and where can you commit to further development?

  • Engagement Across Projects: Consider your level of engagement and satisfaction across different projects. Were there areas you felt particularly inspired or challenged in?

  • Work-Life Balance: Are you maintaining a healthy equilibrium? This is a foundation for sustained success.

The Power of Adaptation

Reflection isn't just about looking back; it's about recognizing when and how to pivot. In the fast-paced world we live in, being able to adapt is a critical skill. The results so far should not be viewed as final judgments but as a lens through which to refine and improve.

Ways to adapt include:

  • Flexible Planning: Analyse your strategy and be willing to adjust based on what's working and what's not.

  • Continuous Learning: Stay ahead in your industry by committing to ongoing education.

  • Agility in Action: Cultivate a mindset that is both strategic and tactical, ready to seize opportunities as they arise.

  • Team Dynamism: If you work with others, ensure your team is also adaptable and can weather changes collaboratively.

  • Mindset Awareness: If you notice shifts in your mindset and a tendency to focus on the negative this will impede your results.  Change this up by raising your vibration and focus on the good stuff.  Then circle back to the first bullet point in this section on ways to adapt.

Recharging Your Motivation

After your assessment and necessary adaptations, it's time to rekindle your motivation. What drives you? Positive reinforcement can come from recognizing achievements, enjoying what you do, and understanding the positive impact of your work.

Consider ways to recharge:

  • Celebrating Milestones: No matter how small, take the time to celebrate and acknowledge your achievements.

  • Seeking Inspiration: Attend workshops, read books, or listen to podcasts that align with your passions and career objectives.

  • Mentorship and Networks: Engage with mentors and professional networks; their insights can be invaluable in reinvigorating your path.

  • Healthy Practices: Engaging in physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep can significantly boost your mood and motivation.

Unleashing Your Full Potential

Your potential is not a finite resource; it's something you can continue to harness and expand. Use the first quarter as a baseline to push the boundaries of what you believe you can achieve.

Here's how to take that step:

  • Set Bold Goals: Now is the time to revisit your goals and make them even bolder. Challenge yourself to dream bigger and take strategic risks.

  • Eliminate Procrastination: Identify the root causes of procrastination and work on strategies to overcome it.

  • Address Creative Insecurity: It's common to have doubts about creative work, but don't let that hold you back. Share your ideas, take constructive criticism, and keep refining.

  • Commit to Action: Take stock of what you've been putting off and start acting on it now. The longer you delay, the harder it is to begin.

Looking Forward

The road ahead is vast, and the potential for growth inexhaustible. Apply the insights from your reflections through the year to build greater success in the coming months. Develop a sound strategy, nurture your adaptability, and maintain a steadfast commitment to growth and excellence.

The steps you take now will influence not only your year but also the narrative of your career and life. And remember, you are not alone in this forward march. Seek out the support of your colleagues, mentors, and loved ones as you carve out a path to greatness.

Make the remainder of this year count and use this to spring into the next. Here's to a year that is defined not by its challenges but by your triumphs.

triumphs successgoalsprogressgrowthtargetmotivation
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Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose. Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.

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Reflecting on the Year

Reflecting on the Year: Your Check-in for Success

August 01, 20245 min read

Reflecting on the Year: Your Check-in for Success

The year is flying by and the first half has come and gone. As I write this I realise it is so important for us to pause during the hustle of daily life and reflect.  Time passes so fast and before you know it the year is nearly gone.  So, how have your ambitions fared in the new year? Can you feel the momentum of progress pushing you forward, or are you mired in the same old quicksand of last year's challenges? Whether your first seven months have been a roaring success or a quiet period of contemplation, now is the time to take stock and assess how the rest of the year will unfold.

You are on a trajectory, and the decisions you make now can profoundly impact the culmination of your year. In this blog post, we're going to explore how you can judiciously reflect on the past quarter and use those insights to shape a more successful, fulfilling year for yourself.

First, a Pulse Check

It's crucial to conduct an honest assessment of your professional and personal growth over the last seven months. What were your goals? Have you achieved some or all of them? Did your strategies for reaching those goals prove effective, or did they fall flat? Remember, whatever you have done over the first part of the year is just the beginning. It's a time of planting seeds, some of which may not yet have had the chance to sprout.

Here's how you can take a pulse check:

  • Quarter Goals Review: Break down your annual targets into quarterly milestones. Identify what worked well in achieving these and what fell short.  Continue this through the whole year and as we move forward through the third quarter you can expect to see some results.

  • Self-Assessment: Look at your skills and competencies. What have you improved upon, and where can you commit to further development?

  • Engagement Across Projects: Consider your level of engagement and satisfaction across different projects. Were there areas you felt particularly inspired or challenged in?

  • Work-Life Balance: Are you maintaining a healthy equilibrium? This is a foundation for sustained success.

The Power of Adaptation

Reflection isn't just about looking back; it's about recognizing when and how to pivot. In the fast-paced world we live in, being able to adapt is a critical skill. The results so far should not be viewed as final judgments but as a lens through which to refine and improve.

Ways to adapt include:

  • Flexible Planning: Analyse your strategy and be willing to adjust based on what's working and what's not.

  • Continuous Learning: Stay ahead in your industry by committing to ongoing education.

  • Agility in Action: Cultivate a mindset that is both strategic and tactical, ready to seize opportunities as they arise.

  • Team Dynamism: If you work with others, ensure your team is also adaptable and can weather changes collaboratively.

  • Mindset Awareness: If you notice shifts in your mindset and a tendency to focus on the negative this will impede your results.  Change this up by raising your vibration and focus on the good stuff.  Then circle back to the first bullet point in this section on ways to adapt.

Recharging Your Motivation

After your assessment and necessary adaptations, it's time to rekindle your motivation. What drives you? Positive reinforcement can come from recognizing achievements, enjoying what you do, and understanding the positive impact of your work.

Consider ways to recharge:

  • Celebrating Milestones: No matter how small, take the time to celebrate and acknowledge your achievements.

  • Seeking Inspiration: Attend workshops, read books, or listen to podcasts that align with your passions and career objectives.

  • Mentorship and Networks: Engage with mentors and professional networks; their insights can be invaluable in reinvigorating your path.

  • Healthy Practices: Engaging in physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep can significantly boost your mood and motivation.

Unleashing Your Full Potential

Your potential is not a finite resource; it's something you can continue to harness and expand. Use the first quarter as a baseline to push the boundaries of what you believe you can achieve.

Here's how to take that step:

  • Set Bold Goals: Now is the time to revisit your goals and make them even bolder. Challenge yourself to dream bigger and take strategic risks.

  • Eliminate Procrastination: Identify the root causes of procrastination and work on strategies to overcome it.

  • Address Creative Insecurity: It's common to have doubts about creative work, but don't let that hold you back. Share your ideas, take constructive criticism, and keep refining.

  • Commit to Action: Take stock of what you've been putting off and start acting on it now. The longer you delay, the harder it is to begin.

Looking Forward

The road ahead is vast, and the potential for growth inexhaustible. Apply the insights from your reflections through the year to build greater success in the coming months. Develop a sound strategy, nurture your adaptability, and maintain a steadfast commitment to growth and excellence.

The steps you take now will influence not only your year but also the narrative of your career and life. And remember, you are not alone in this forward march. Seek out the support of your colleagues, mentors, and loved ones as you carve out a path to greatness.

Make the remainder of this year count and use this to spring into the next. Here's to a year that is defined not by its challenges but by your triumphs.

triumphs successgoalsprogressgrowthtargetmotivation
Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose.

Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.


Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose. Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.

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  • Would you like to start that business venture you have always dreamed of?

  • Would you like to identify some of the things that are holding you back and have a strategy for dealing with them?

  • Or, would you just like to know yourself a little better?

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