


It doesn’t matter what you’re facing in life–a calm lake or rough seas, anyone can benefit from a life coach, whether in NZ or elsewhere. At Emerging You, we have a holistic approach to the person and can help you deal with emotional, physical and mental struggles. We often don’t always reach our business, relationship or life goals purely because past experiences and negative thought patterns are holding us back. Here’s what you can gain from a transformational coach in your life:

  • Clear energy path. By releasing unprocessed, negative patterns and emotions from the past, you give new energy a chance to enter your life. By unblocking old, trodden paths, you give yourself and the universe a chance to make your goals come into being.

  • Emotional freedom. Setting yourself free from past hurt, trauma and unresolved feelings will mean a burden is lifted off your soul. You will feel lighter and happier and be able to focus on happy, good emotions.

  • Pain relief. Often built-up stress and trauma manifest in your body in the form of pain, aches, headaches, frustration or anger. Once we deal with your emotions or issues, you could even feel relief from pain and physical discomfort.

So if any of the following sound or feel familiar, it might be time to get some help.

  • Feel overwhelmed, constantly feel stressed or anxious

  • Feel angry for no reason, have trouble regulating how you feel and overreact

  • Aspire for more in life, your career or business yet it all feels too hard

  • Relationships are difficult and leave you feeling isolated or not heard. Or even worse you get ticked off or tick others off easily

  • Spend too much time in your head leaving you feeling depressed and exhausted

  • Feel like your relationship with food, drink or other habits is unhealthy and being determined to change this is not enough

Each session is an hour long and conducted via zoom.

Alternatively, you can also book in to our 5 week program; 5 weeks to a life to love - carving your journey to self-assurance and personal satisfaction.


Then you have come to the right place.  

Book in a one-hour session below or visit my 5 week program by returning to the services page. .


It doesn’t matter what you’re facing in life–a calm lake or rough seas, anyone can benefit from a life coach. At Emerging You, we have a holistic approach and can help you deal with emotional, physical and mental struggles. We often don’t always reach our business, relationship or life goals purely because past experiences and negative thought patterns are holding us back. Here’s what you can gain from a transformational coach in your life:

  • Clear energy path. By releasing unprocessed, negative patterns and emotions from the past, you give new energy a chance to enter your life. By unblocking old, trodden paths, you give yourself and the universe a chance to make your goals come into being.

  • Emotional freedom. Setting yourself free from past hurt, trauma and unresolved feelings will mean a burden is lifted off your soul. You will feel lighter and happier and be able to focus on happy, good emotions.

  • Pain relief. Often built-up stress and trauma manifest in your body in the form of pain, aches, headaches, frustration or anger. Once we deal with your emotions or issues, you could even feel relief from pain and physical discomfort.

So if any of the following sound or feel familiar, it might be time to get some help;

  • Feel overwhelmed, constantly feel stressed or anxious.

  • Feel angry for no reason, have trouble regulating how you feel and overreact.

  • Aspire for more in life, your career or business yet it all feels too hard.

  • Relationships are difficult and leave you feeling isolated and not heard. Or even worse you get ticked off or tick others off easily.

  • Spend too much time in your head leaving you depressed and exhausted.

  • Feel like your relationship with food, drink, or other habits is unhealthy and being determined to change this is not enough.

Each session is an hour long and conducted via zoom.

Alternatively, you can also book in to our 5 week program; 5 weeks to a life to love - carving your journey to self-assurance and personal satisfaction.


Then you have come to the right place.  

Book a one-hour session below or visit my 5 week program by returning to the services page.

Other Services We Offer

As part of our holistic approach to the human state, we also offer hypnotherapy and NLP, which can work wonders in accessing your subconscious to change bad habits affecting your life and holding you back from achieving your dreams, health goals or spiritual growth. To fully deal with all aspects of your life, we provide Reiki and Emotion Code to clear your blocked energy, neurolinguistic programming and timeline therapy. Hypnotherapy, NLP, Timeline therapy are all available as one of the many tools we use in our coaching sessions Give yourself the best chance by removing past emotional bonds, Newsletterbalancing your energy and chakras. Greatly improve your outlook for a future filled with happiness, prosperity and fulfilment.

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© 2020 - 2023 Emerging You Limited | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms | Created and managed by Emerging You