

Resistance is the first step to change

Overcoming Resistance - The Key to Healing and Living Fully 

January 29, 20244 min read

“Our resistance is the only thing keeping us from vibrating in harmony, rather than discord.” - Abraham Hicks

Life can be beautiful, yet oftentimes we find ourselves weighed down by struggles, problems at work, relationship issues and not seeing a way to change.  This can be described in one word - resistance. Resistance can take many forms, from procrastination to self-doubt, resentment to lack of clarity, and we all experience it in our own unique way. When we resist things this affects healing or the ability to change.  We limit the flow of life within us.  Lets explore resistance and its effects, and most importantly, we’ll discuss ways to overcome it.

Resistance is a part of life. It’s a natural response to the unknown, the uncomfortable, and the challenging. Sometimes resistance can protect us from danger or prevent us from repeating past mistakes. But other times, resistance gets in the way of our growth and healing. It keeps us stuck in patterns that no longer serve us. 

One way that resistance manifests is through procrastination. We put off doing the things we know we should do because we fear failure, or because we don't feel ready. We may even convince ourselves that we’re not good enough or that we don’t have what it takes to succeed. However, this kind of resistance only serves to keep us stagnant and unfulfilled.

Another way resistance shows up is through self-doubt. We doubt our abilities, our worthiness, and even our desire to change. We may feel as if we're not deserving of love, happiness, or a better life. But self-doubt is not based on reality and can hold us back from experiencing all that life has to offer.

Sometimes it shows up in feeling intimidated or resentful when someone else is trying to show you how to do something.  It can also show up as feeling as though you do not have control.  It is important to recognize that resistance inhibits the flow of healing and life within us. When we resist change or growth, we’re denying ourselves the opportunity to live fully. While it may be scary to step into the unknown, we must remember that we have the power to overcome resistance.

A very effective way of overcoming resistance is to just stop fighting with everything.  This means not fighting with something you do not agree with.  It means letting go of the feelings or your perception of a situation.  It means not judging something that could be right or wrong, as well as not being pushed into doing something you do not want to (and not feeling resentful about that).  It means being completely impartial.

Sometimes easier said than done!

The resistance we feel towards things, change or relationships I have found is usually because of the patterns we have created.  These patterns are there because of our experience and how we have handled that.  Being able to identify healthy pattens to continue, and the unhealthy one to discontinue is really helpful in reducing resistance in our lives.  Because these patterns are usually full of old emotions that are stuck, I have found that the best way to get rid of these is to identify them and release them.  Once they are gone, they do not affect you and you can then move on to create new responses to the things that are going on in your life. 

Ongoing, a sense of awareness about what you are feeling and how you are reacting will help reduce resistance from affecting your life, work and relationships.  This is an important part of improving the flow of life.  Acknowledge what you are experiencing, allow it without changing it, recognise that it is a pattern and not reality, then knowing this what can you do next?

Additional tools to help with overcoming resistance is through mindfulness. By becoming aware of our thoughts and emotions, we can identify when resistance is showing up and work to understand why.  Mindfulness helps us to observe without judgment, and with practice, we can learn to respond to our resistance in a way that serves us better.

Another way to overcome resistance is through small acts of self-care. When we take care of ourselves, we build our self-esteem and cultivate a sense of worthiness. Self-care can be as simple as taking a walk, reading a book, or indulging in a favorite hobby.  It includes setting boundaries and being disciplined in your approach to life.  By prioritizing self-care, we can become more resilient to resistance.

Resistance is a part of life, but it doesn't have to hold us back. When we recognize resistance for what it is and work to overcome it, we can experience the flow of healing and life within us.  When we do that we build resilience and become better at navigating the challenges of life.

If you feel you are not living the life you want and like the sound of having more flow in your life, reach out.  I would love to help you.

Resistance is the first step to change

If you have any questions about this blog or are ready to look at how you would benefit from a more connected mind, body and soul, get in touch.

In a 30-minute complimentary clarity call, we can discuss all of this.  You can book this here.

mindset intentionsaffirmationsgratefulnessresistancemindfulnessemotioncodeflowliving change
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Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose. Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.

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Resistance is the first step to change

Overcoming Resistance - The Key to Healing and Living Fully 

January 29, 20244 min read

“Our resistance is the only thing keeping us from vibrating in harmony, rather than discord.” - Abraham Hicks

Life can be beautiful, yet oftentimes we find ourselves weighed down by struggles, problems at work, relationship issues and not seeing a way to change.  This can be described in one word - resistance. Resistance can take many forms, from procrastination to self-doubt, resentment to lack of clarity, and we all experience it in our own unique way. When we resist things this affects healing or the ability to change.  We limit the flow of life within us.  Lets explore resistance and its effects, and most importantly, we’ll discuss ways to overcome it.

Resistance is a part of life. It’s a natural response to the unknown, the uncomfortable, and the challenging. Sometimes resistance can protect us from danger or prevent us from repeating past mistakes. But other times, resistance gets in the way of our growth and healing. It keeps us stuck in patterns that no longer serve us. 

One way that resistance manifests is through procrastination. We put off doing the things we know we should do because we fear failure, or because we don't feel ready. We may even convince ourselves that we’re not good enough or that we don’t have what it takes to succeed. However, this kind of resistance only serves to keep us stagnant and unfulfilled.

Another way resistance shows up is through self-doubt. We doubt our abilities, our worthiness, and even our desire to change. We may feel as if we're not deserving of love, happiness, or a better life. But self-doubt is not based on reality and can hold us back from experiencing all that life has to offer.

Sometimes it shows up in feeling intimidated or resentful when someone else is trying to show you how to do something.  It can also show up as feeling as though you do not have control.  It is important to recognize that resistance inhibits the flow of healing and life within us. When we resist change or growth, we’re denying ourselves the opportunity to live fully. While it may be scary to step into the unknown, we must remember that we have the power to overcome resistance.

A very effective way of overcoming resistance is to just stop fighting with everything.  This means not fighting with something you do not agree with.  It means letting go of the feelings or your perception of a situation.  It means not judging something that could be right or wrong, as well as not being pushed into doing something you do not want to (and not feeling resentful about that).  It means being completely impartial.

Sometimes easier said than done!

The resistance we feel towards things, change or relationships I have found is usually because of the patterns we have created.  These patterns are there because of our experience and how we have handled that.  Being able to identify healthy pattens to continue, and the unhealthy one to discontinue is really helpful in reducing resistance in our lives.  Because these patterns are usually full of old emotions that are stuck, I have found that the best way to get rid of these is to identify them and release them.  Once they are gone, they do not affect you and you can then move on to create new responses to the things that are going on in your life. 

Ongoing, a sense of awareness about what you are feeling and how you are reacting will help reduce resistance from affecting your life, work and relationships.  This is an important part of improving the flow of life.  Acknowledge what you are experiencing, allow it without changing it, recognise that it is a pattern and not reality, then knowing this what can you do next?

Additional tools to help with overcoming resistance is through mindfulness. By becoming aware of our thoughts and emotions, we can identify when resistance is showing up and work to understand why.  Mindfulness helps us to observe without judgment, and with practice, we can learn to respond to our resistance in a way that serves us better.

Another way to overcome resistance is through small acts of self-care. When we take care of ourselves, we build our self-esteem and cultivate a sense of worthiness. Self-care can be as simple as taking a walk, reading a book, or indulging in a favorite hobby.  It includes setting boundaries and being disciplined in your approach to life.  By prioritizing self-care, we can become more resilient to resistance.

Resistance is a part of life, but it doesn't have to hold us back. When we recognize resistance for what it is and work to overcome it, we can experience the flow of healing and life within us.  When we do that we build resilience and become better at navigating the challenges of life.

If you feel you are not living the life you want and like the sound of having more flow in your life, reach out.  I would love to help you.

Resistance is the first step to change

If you have any questions about this blog or are ready to look at how you would benefit from a more connected mind, body and soul, get in touch.

In a 30-minute complimentary clarity call, we can discuss all of this.  You can book this here.

mindset intentionsaffirmationsgratefulnessresistancemindfulnessemotioncodeflowliving change
Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose.

Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.


Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose. Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.

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  • Or, would you just like to know yourself a little better?

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