Do you find yourself pushing others away? Do you struggle maintaining relationships? What about your relationship with money, or potential clients? In the realms of emotional healing and personal growth, a Heart-Wall refers to the energy blockage in your body, created as a defence mechanism to shield your heart from emotional distress. In this blog post, we'll explore what Heart-Wall is, the complications it can create, and why it is beneficial to clear it.
Your heart is more than just a vital organ; it's an emotional centre that can be deeply affected by negative experiences. To protect itself, your subconscious mind creates an energetic barrier called a Heart-Wall. This wall contains one or many trapped emotions accumulated over time due to different events that have occurred in your life such as trauma, grief, or loss. It is designed to protect initially, if unaddressed a Heart-Wall can lead to an array of complications, such as;
Emotional Detachment: A Heart-Wall can prevent you from fully engaging with your emotions or connecting deeply with others. This emotional numbness may hinder your ability to form meaningful relationships and cause a feeling of isolation.
Limited Growth: With a barrier blocking your heart's energy flow, personal growth and self-discovery can be limited by unresolved emotions. As trapped emotions accumulate, they can create subconscious roadblocks that restrict personal development. This can affect your ability to progress in your career or earn more money in your business.
Physical Ailments: Energy blockages created by trapped emotions may contribute to physical discomfort or illness. The Body Code system explains how imbalances in the body's energy field may result in various physical symptoms that are difficult to address through conventional treatments alone.
There are obviously benefits to clearing your Heart-Wall. These are;
Improved Emotional Well-being and enhanced relationships: Releasing trapped emotions and dismantling your Heart-Wall can lead to a more balanced emotional state. With your emotions flowing freely, you'll be better equipped to handle life's adversities and live more authentically. You open yourself up for deeper connection with others, which can improve all areas of your life, career and business.
Personal Growth: Freeing yourself from the confines of a Heart-Wall creates space for personal growth and spiritual development. You'll experience increased self-awareness, inner peace, and a better understanding of your emotions.
Health and wellbeing: clearing imbalances allows for improved health creating a better quality of life.
Heart-Walls may initially serve a protective purpose in shielding our hearts from emotional pain; however, left unchecked, they can create several complications in our lives. By utilizing tools like the Emotion Code and Body Code systems, you can clear your Heart-Wall, leading to improved emotional well-being, enhanced relationships, and personal growth. Embrace the benefits of clearing your Heart-Wall and experience the transformative power it holds for your life.
If you would like to investigate whether a Heart-Wall may be contributing to how you are feeling or experiencing life, get in touch with Tina. Sessions are hassle free, completed remotely (so it does not matter what time zone you are in) and guaranteed to have you feeling better than before your session.
Book in for your Emotion Code session here, or if you have any questions about what you have read you can contact me here.
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Do you find yourself pushing others away? Do you struggle maintaining relationships? What about your relationship with money, or potential clients? In the realms of emotional healing and personal growth, a Heart-Wall refers to the energy blockage in your body, created as a defence mechanism to shield your heart from emotional distress. In this blog post, we'll explore what Heart-Wall is, the complications it can create, and why it is beneficial to clear it.
Your heart is more than just a vital organ; it's an emotional centre that can be deeply affected by negative experiences. To protect itself, your subconscious mind creates an energetic barrier called a Heart-Wall. This wall contains one or many trapped emotions accumulated over time due to different events that have occurred in your life such as trauma, grief, or loss. It is designed to protect initially, if unaddressed a Heart-Wall can lead to an array of complications, such as;
Emotional Detachment: A Heart-Wall can prevent you from fully engaging with your emotions or connecting deeply with others. This emotional numbness may hinder your ability to form meaningful relationships and cause a feeling of isolation.
Limited Growth: With a barrier blocking your heart's energy flow, personal growth and self-discovery can be limited by unresolved emotions. As trapped emotions accumulate, they can create subconscious roadblocks that restrict personal development. This can affect your ability to progress in your career or earn more money in your business.
Physical Ailments: Energy blockages created by trapped emotions may contribute to physical discomfort or illness. The Body Code system explains how imbalances in the body's energy field may result in various physical symptoms that are difficult to address through conventional treatments alone.
There are obviously benefits to clearing your Heart-Wall. These are;
Improved Emotional Well-being and enhanced relationships: Releasing trapped emotions and dismantling your Heart-Wall can lead to a more balanced emotional state. With your emotions flowing freely, you'll be better equipped to handle life's adversities and live more authentically. You open yourself up for deeper connection with others, which can improve all areas of your life, career and business.
Personal Growth: Freeing yourself from the confines of a Heart-Wall creates space for personal growth and spiritual development. You'll experience increased self-awareness, inner peace, and a better understanding of your emotions.
Health and wellbeing: clearing imbalances allows for improved health creating a better quality of life.
Heart-Walls may initially serve a protective purpose in shielding our hearts from emotional pain; however, left unchecked, they can create several complications in our lives. By utilizing tools like the Emotion Code and Body Code systems, you can clear your Heart-Wall, leading to improved emotional well-being, enhanced relationships, and personal growth. Embrace the benefits of clearing your Heart-Wall and experience the transformative power it holds for your life.
If you would like to investigate whether a Heart-Wall may be contributing to how you are feeling or experiencing life, get in touch with Tina. Sessions are hassle free, completed remotely (so it does not matter what time zone you are in) and guaranteed to have you feeling better than before your session.
Book in for your Emotion Code session here, or if you have any questions about what you have read you can contact me here.
I promise not to spam you. We value your privacy and will never share your details.
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