

How to attract what you want

The power of the mind in attracting what you want

January 01, 20244 min read

“Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.” - Joe Dispenza

As we welcome the new year, it is important to remember that this is a perfect time to start fresh and focus on what you want to achieve. By being clear on what you want, having a plan in place, you can manifest your dreams into reality.  Any roadblocks or resistance along the way can be overcome by removing old negative emotions that may be holding you back. In this blog post, we'll discuss how all this works and how you can create the life that you truly desire and achieve your goals in the new year.

It is no secret that like attracts like. This means that if you focus on positive thoughts, you will attract positive experiences into your life. Conversely, if you focus on negative thoughts, you will attract negative experiences. The key is to shift your mindset from a negative to a positive one and believe that you are capable of achieving your dreams. 

Begin by setting clear and specific goals for what you want to achieve in the new year. Be clear on what you want.  Visualize yourself achieving these goals and feel the emotions associated with this accomplishment. You can practice visualization techniques every day to help reinforce your beliefs and shift your mindset. Additionally, focus on gratitude and appreciate everything you have in your life. When you are grateful, you attract more positive experiences into your life.

Be aware though that by focusing on what you do not want, while attempting to be clear on what you do want can cause you to get more of what you do not want.  Why does this happen?  Because you create more of what you are focused on and where your thoughts and energy go.   

It is important while doing this to remove any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. These can include feelings of fear, doubt, or unworthiness. I have found that removing and deleting these old negative emotions helps pave the way for the things you want to start showing up in your life.  Another way to add more useful positive energy to creating your new experiences is to use affirmations or statements of intention to reinforce positive beliefs and redirect your thoughts when negative emotions arise. Additionally, practice forgiveness and gratefulness.  By letting go of any grudges or negative experiences from the past and feeling thankful in this current moment you are also allowing more positive energy into your life.

Now that you know what you want and have removed the stuff holding you back take inspired action towards your goals. This means taking active steps towards achieving your dreams instead of waiting for them to come to you. This could include reaching out to potential clients or starting a new project that will bring you closer to your goals. Remember that the universe will always meet you where you are at, so make that action count and make sure you are focused on what you want.  You need to take action to make anything happen. 

Incorporating daily rituals into your routine can also help reinforce your use of the law of attraction. This could include meditating, journaling, or practicing gratitude. By consistently practicing these rituals, you will start to see positive shifts in your mindset and experiences.  Then is it a matter of doing all of this daily to experience the change you are seeking in life.

As you welcome the new year have in mind what you want to experience throughout the year.  The ideas shared in this blog can be powerful tools to help you manifest your dreams. By focusing on positive thoughts, removing negative emotions, and taking inspired action, you can create the life that you truly desire. Incorporating daily practices and rituals can also help reinforce all of what you are putting in place.  So take some time to reflect on what you have achieved already and also what you truly want. 

Happy New Year!

Attract what you want

If you have any questions about this blog or are ready to look at how you would benefit from a more connected mind, body and soul, get in touch.

In a 30-minute complimentary clarity call, we can discuss all of this.  You can book this here.

mindset intentionsresolutionsdailyroutineaffirmationsgratefulness
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Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose. Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.

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How to attract what you want

The power of the mind in attracting what you want

January 01, 20244 min read

“Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.” - Joe Dispenza

As we welcome the new year, it is important to remember that this is a perfect time to start fresh and focus on what you want to achieve. By being clear on what you want, having a plan in place, you can manifest your dreams into reality.  Any roadblocks or resistance along the way can be overcome by removing old negative emotions that may be holding you back. In this blog post, we'll discuss how all this works and how you can create the life that you truly desire and achieve your goals in the new year.

It is no secret that like attracts like. This means that if you focus on positive thoughts, you will attract positive experiences into your life. Conversely, if you focus on negative thoughts, you will attract negative experiences. The key is to shift your mindset from a negative to a positive one and believe that you are capable of achieving your dreams. 

Begin by setting clear and specific goals for what you want to achieve in the new year. Be clear on what you want.  Visualize yourself achieving these goals and feel the emotions associated with this accomplishment. You can practice visualization techniques every day to help reinforce your beliefs and shift your mindset. Additionally, focus on gratitude and appreciate everything you have in your life. When you are grateful, you attract more positive experiences into your life.

Be aware though that by focusing on what you do not want, while attempting to be clear on what you do want can cause you to get more of what you do not want.  Why does this happen?  Because you create more of what you are focused on and where your thoughts and energy go.   

It is important while doing this to remove any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. These can include feelings of fear, doubt, or unworthiness. I have found that removing and deleting these old negative emotions helps pave the way for the things you want to start showing up in your life.  Another way to add more useful positive energy to creating your new experiences is to use affirmations or statements of intention to reinforce positive beliefs and redirect your thoughts when negative emotions arise. Additionally, practice forgiveness and gratefulness.  By letting go of any grudges or negative experiences from the past and feeling thankful in this current moment you are also allowing more positive energy into your life.

Now that you know what you want and have removed the stuff holding you back take inspired action towards your goals. This means taking active steps towards achieving your dreams instead of waiting for them to come to you. This could include reaching out to potential clients or starting a new project that will bring you closer to your goals. Remember that the universe will always meet you where you are at, so make that action count and make sure you are focused on what you want.  You need to take action to make anything happen. 

Incorporating daily rituals into your routine can also help reinforce your use of the law of attraction. This could include meditating, journaling, or practicing gratitude. By consistently practicing these rituals, you will start to see positive shifts in your mindset and experiences.  Then is it a matter of doing all of this daily to experience the change you are seeking in life.

As you welcome the new year have in mind what you want to experience throughout the year.  The ideas shared in this blog can be powerful tools to help you manifest your dreams. By focusing on positive thoughts, removing negative emotions, and taking inspired action, you can create the life that you truly desire. Incorporating daily practices and rituals can also help reinforce all of what you are putting in place.  So take some time to reflect on what you have achieved already and also what you truly want. 

Happy New Year!

Attract what you want

If you have any questions about this blog or are ready to look at how you would benefit from a more connected mind, body and soul, get in touch.

In a 30-minute complimentary clarity call, we can discuss all of this.  You can book this here.

mindset intentionsresolutionsdailyroutineaffirmationsgratefulness
Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose.

Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.


Tina is the international best-selling author of the book Transforming Pain into Purpose. Along with 29 women, she contributed to the book which is full of uplifting stories of empowerHERment.

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