7-day refresh

7-day refresh

Create harmony and balance with my 7 day refresh

My 7-day refresh is designed to help you quickly and easily feel more in harmony and balanced.

Imagine being able to tap into peace, joy and clarity with limited effort.

That is all possible with this 7-day refresh.

Over the next 7 days you will experience less stress and pressure. Your relationships will feel easier and the boundaries you may have struggled with previously will be easier to navigate.

How does it work?

After you register, you will receive a thank you email shortly followed by my 7 day journal and an outline of day 1. I recommend you use this each day over the next 7 days. Each day is a focus on something different and need only take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Then each day thereafter for 6 days you will receive an email outlining what I will complete over that day.

Each day involves energetically clearing and refreshing a particular part of your life. I have chosen these as they are the most impactful. The next 7 days includes a belief session, removing blocks toward self and others, chakra clearing, personal space clearing, removing procrastination & negative self talk and a general energetic check up.

These sessions are all completed remotely. There is no need for you to do anything other than go about your day or night as you normally would. Increase your hydration over the next week as your body will be doing a little bit of work processing all these changes energetically.

By registering for this 7 day refresh you are giving me permission to work with you remotely to complete the program.

Are you ready to get started? Lets go!

7 day refresh

Register now - this is a free program

Offer ends 14 January

My 7-day refresh is designed to help you quickly and easily feel more in harmony and balanced.

Imagine being able to tap into peace, joy and clarity with limited effort.

That is all possible with this 7-day refresh.

Over the next 7 days you will experience less stress and pressure. Your relationships will feel easier and the boundaries you may have struggled with previously will be easier to navigate.

How does it work?

After you register, you will receive a thank you email shortly followed by my 7 day journal and an outline of day 1. I recommend you use this each day over the next 7 days. Each day is a focus on something different and need only take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Then each day thereafter for 6 days you will receive an email outlining what I will complete over that day.

Each day involves energetically clearing and refreshing a particular part of your life. I have chosen these as they are the most impactful. The next 7 days includes a belief session, removing blocks toward self and others, chakra clearing, personal space clearing, removing procrastination & negative self talk and a general energetic check up.

These sessions are all completed remotely. There is no need for you to do anything other than go about your day or night as you normally would. Increase your hydration over the next week as your body will be doing a little bit of work processing all these changes energetically.

By registering for this 7 day refresh you are giving me permission to work with you remotely to complete the program..

Are you ready to get started? Lets go!

Other Services We Offer

As part of our holistic approach to the human state, we also offer hypnotherapy and NLP, which can work wonders in accessing your subconscious to change bad habits affecting your life and holding you back from achieving your dreams, health goals or spiritual growth. To fully deal with all aspects of your life, we provide Reiki and Emotion Code to clear your blocked energy, neurolinguistic programming and timeline therapy. Hypnotherapy, NLP, Timeline therapy are all available as one of the many tools we use in our coaching sessions Give yourself the best chance by removing past emotional bonds, balancing your energy and chakras. Greatly improve your outlook for a future filled with happiness, prosperity and fulfilment.

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